Sunday, July 3, 2011

Big Timber Falls

The second falls we visited on July 2 was Big Timber Falls.  This falls is located on the eastern flank of the Crazy Mountains, well up into Big Timber Canyon, 12 miles north of Big Timber MT, and 15 miles west of Highway 191.  The trailhead is located at a forest service pay to stay campground.  The road in is a bit rough, so small vehicles be warned, 4WD recommended.  The hike from the trailhead is about a half mile to the falls which can be heard from quite a distance.  Big Timber creek is currently flowing at a very high CFS which made the view stunning.  As each of us came within view of the falls, our response was the same "holy f$*k!" The dogs were disappointed they couldn't get in the water, as 'mom' would have a panic attack every time they got close to the edge (which was quite a drop from the viewing area). We will probably return some time when the water is not so high, as the pool at the bottom of the falls looks quite fun!  The falls and the surrounding mountains are extremely beautiful this time of year.  Highly recommended for a weekend or day trip. Here are a couple of our favorite pics:

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